Grammar practice 3

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.
Romania's name itself suggests what makes it different from its neighbours. The connection with the Imperial Rome comes from the language which (SOUND) like Italian.
The country is about the size of Great Britain and has a population of 23 million, of whom ninety percent are Romanians.
The scenery is varied: mountainous areas with summer and winter resorts, a very marvellous stretch of the Danube descends towards the Iron Gates, historic towns and Black Sea beach resorts. There are no (FEW) than 160 spas offering cures for nearly every illness (KNOW) to man.
Romania is perhaps the (FAMOUS) abroad for being the home of Dracula, the creation of the Irish writer, Bram Stoker. However, while the story is fiction, the character is based on a Romanian prince (CALL) Vlad Dracula. So, when you visit Romania you
may like to visit Bran Castle which (BUILD) in 1377 and is the most closely identified with Dracula.