Grammar practice 4

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.
Although modern football began in nineteenth-century England, the English (NOT INVENT) football: they simply gave it rules.
Human beings have always liked kicking round objects. Two and half thousand years ago the Chinese played a game (CALL) Tsu-Chu, which means 'to kick a ball made of leather with the feet'.
A Roman stone carving from Yugoslavia, from around the year of 200 AD, shows a man (HOLD) a type of a football. The Greeks are known to have played a game called episkyros. Although the details are unknown, it's certain that these games (PLAY) by two teams.
There are records that football was played in the twelfth century on the streets of London. King Edward II (BAN) it in 1314. Later kings also tried to ban the game but without much success. By the sixteenth century it (BECOME) very rough. Most games were played with nearly 500 people in each team.
The (ONE) competition cup, the Football Association Cup, was started in 1872. League football began in 1888 and teams were formed all over England.