Grammar practice 24

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.

We cannot imagine our life without antiseptics. This invention (INTRODUCE) in 1850 by a Hungarian physician. He was the (ONE) prominent doctor to make a strong link between the use of antiseptics and improving survival rates of wounded people. His work was taken up by others, such as Joseph Lister, who (BECOME) a pioneer of antiseptic surgery.

Living octopus

In countries which are located near sea coasts, sea food is an important part of national cuisine. Since ancient times, different kinds of fish and seafood (BE) staple diets near the coast or near certain rivers and lakes.
From Indonesia to India, seafood (USE) throughout the region both as foodstuffs and as seasonings. It’s important to eat seafood fresh as people (NOT WANT) to risk food poisoning. Many people think that exotic seafood dishes are the (GOOD).