Grammar practice 41

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.

What do you know about Barbados? This island country is located on an island group in the Caribbean Sea (LIE) to the east of the West Indies. It (THINK) to have received its name from the Portuguese word for ‘bearded’ because of the bearded fig trees that grow on the island. Bridgetown is the capital, (LARGE) city and only seaport.

Traffic lights

Have you ever wondered about the origin of the green, yellow, and red colour scheme for traffic lights? In 1920, in Detroit, the USA, a policeman (NAME) William L. Potts invented the four-way, three-colour traffic signal. It (BASE) on the colours used in the railroad system. Thus, Detroit (BECOME) the first city to use the red, green, and yellow lights to control road traffic.