Word formation 4

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.
Why do so many people find the idea of spending their holidays in a foreign country such an (ATTRACT) one? I can think of nothing worse than waiting (PATIENT) in a crowded airport surrounded by irritating children for an aircraft to take you to a (DISTANCE) part of the world. I think that flying is a very (COMFORT) way to travel; the seats are too close together and you are (ABLE) to stretch your legs or move around with the same (FREE) that you can when you are on a train. Long before you reach your holiday hotel you feel exhausted, your children are having an (ARGUE), and all you want to do is go home and sleep for a week.

My friends seem to think that I have one of the best jobs in the world. They say that I am (LUCK) because I don't have to get up early in the morning to catch a (CROWD) train or bus to work and that I can work when I want to. All I can say is that they have never tried to earn a (LIFE) as a writer. There is nothing worse than sitting in front of a computer, knowing that you have two hours in which to write a 2,000 word article for your (EDIT), and not being able to think of a single thing to say. "Writer's block" we (PROFESSION) call it, and it is not a nice (FEEL).

Terry had (ORIGIN) planned to be an (ENGINE) and so went to study at the University of London. After a few months, he realised he could not manage on the (ALLOW) his parents gave him. He didn't find the course very interesting so he gave up his studies and made the (DECIDE) to go to Italy to improve his (KNOW) of the language. While he was living in Rome, he met a (PHOTOGRAPH) who showed him how to take (EXCITE) pictures. Terry had a (NATURE) talent for this and became fascinated by this art. He realised he had found the job of his dreams without having to study for (PROFESSION) qualifications.