Word formation 5

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.
More and more people are giving up meat and following vegetarian diets. This may be (SUIT) for adults but could this way of eating be (DANGER) for young children? Could it be (HARM) and (HEALTH) for them? Recent research has shown that a diet with meat helped growth in children. It also helped to improve their performances in (INTELLIGENT) tests. Even if children eat lots of eggs, cheese and dairy products they do not get as much protein as meat eaters. This is (PROVE) that we should not avoid eating this delicious food!

In future life will be very (DIFFER) from previous (GENERATE). Our careers are (LIKE) to last for more than fifty years. We will (PROBABLE) change our jobs about twenty times and always have to learn new skills. There won't be a lot of (EMPLOY) as the world's (POPULATE) will fall. Rich countries in Europe will need immigrants from less (WEALTH) nations to work for them. They will have to do more (TRADITION) jobs such as farming. These usually have very low wages.

August Маске was an (ART) from Germany who lived at the (BEGIN) of the twentieth century. He was a member of the expressionist art (MOVE). Most of his (PAINT) were full of life and (BRIGHT) coloured. He liked to paint women and children in their everyday lives. Some showed women shopping or children in the park.
When the First World War started in 1914 he joined the army. (SAD), he was killed a few weeks later.