Word formation 30

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.
History of animated cartoons

Cartoon animation has a long history. A cartoon is made by drawing many pictures and showing them one after another so quickly that the pictures (FINAL) seem to move. The most prominent of animated cartoons were made by Walt Disney.
Walt Disney, the (CREATE) of Mickey Mouse, is a legend of the 20th century. He invented the special camera which was used in his studios during the thirties and forties to create (ORIGIN) animated pictures. Through his work he brought joy, (HAPPY), and a universal means of communication.
Walt Disney’s worldwide (POPULAR) is based upon the ideas his name represents: imagination, optimism, and self-made success in the American tradition.
Today moving images are created with the help of computers. The first fully computer-animated feature film, “Toy Story”, was very (SUCCESS) and since then almost all animated cartoon films have moved to computer graphics, including films such as the "Shrek" series.