Word formation 56

Fill in the words written in capitals
in the right form.

Uluru (often called Ayers Rock) is located deep in the outback in central Australia. It’s considered a sacred site by the Aborigines. (VISIT) can reach the area by a 200 km car trip after flying into Alice Springs, Darwin or Adelaide.
The area includes many breathtaking (NATURE) wonders and reveals much about the legends and mysteries of Aboriginal people.
Located in the Red Centre, Uluru is one the most (FORGET) sights in Australia.
Here you can learn more about the cultural (SIGNIFICANT) of the area, you can do a base walk and meet some of the local wildlife (get ready for the Australian face fly), and you can take more photos than you thought possible. (ACCOMMODATE) ranges from budget to luxury. There are even (CAMP) opportunities if you’re brave enough for that!