

Monday 04/09 Write down the new words into your vocabularies. SB p.7 ex.5 (in written) NEW WORDS.
Tuesday 05/09 1.Get ready for the lexical test 2. Complete the cards (lexical and grammar) test cards.
Wednsday 13/09 1.Get ready for the dictation 2. Complete the card (in wtitten)3. Contrast and compare the pictures according to the plan (in written) dictation card pictures
Friday 15/09 1. SB ex 4,5 p 162
Monday 18/09 1. SB ex 2 p 12 - write out the verbs with translations in your vocabulary books, do the exercise in writing 2.SB ex. 5 p.12 ( in writing)3. Card ( 15 sentences) card new words