
Degrees of Comparison 2

Put the adjectives in brackets in the right degree of comparison.
The London underground is by far ...... (old) in the world.The London underground is by far the oldest in the world.
My sweater is ...... (little / expensive) than yours.My sweater is less expensive than yours.
She is as …… (beautiful) …… her sister.She is as beautiful as her sister.
He sings …… (well) as me.He sings as well as me.
John is slightly …… (tall) than his brother.John is slightly taller than his brother.
Helen was much …… (nervous) than her sister.Helen was much more nervous than her sister.
The car drove …… and …… (fast).The car drove faster and faster.
The child was getting …… and …… (excited).The child was getting more and more excited.
The …… (deep) she dives, the …… (much) her lungs shrink.The deeper she dives, the more her lungs shrink.
The …… (high) they climbed, the …… (windy) it was.The higher they climbed, the windier it was.