A. Put the sentences in the right order.

Noddy is singing a song.
Noddy is reading his favourite book.
Big Ears is showing Noddy the way to the perfect place for his house.
Noddy has parked his house in front of Mr Sparks's garage.
Big Ears is riding his bike when he sees Noddy.
Noddy has parked his house in the town square.
Big Ears is standing at the door of his house when he sees Noddy.
Noddy has put his house next to Tessie Bear's.

B. Answer the questions.

1. Who is Noddy reading about in his book?
2. Why does the character of the book have an exciting life?
3. Does Noddy want to leave Toyland? Why?
4. Why does Tubby Bear think it's a good idea to move?
5. Why is Big Ears surprised?
6. Does Big Ears believe Noddy will be happier if he moves house?
7. Why are Tessie Bear's chickens inside Noddy's house?
8. Why can't Noddy be Tessie bear's neighbour?
9. Why doesn't Noddy like living in front of the garage?
10. Why does Noddy have to move to another place?
11. Why does Noddy like living in the town square at first?
12. Why does Mr Jumbo come to Noddy's house?
13. Why are the balls bouncing in Noddy's house?
14. Who tells Noddy to move his house immediately? Why?
15. Why does Noddy want to move to the place Big Ears is describing?
16. What is the perfect place for Noddy's house?

C. Answer the questions.

1. When and where does the story happen?
2. Who is the main character?
3. What other characters are there in the story?
4. What is the problem in the story?
5. What is the solution of the problem?
6. What do you think of the characters?
7. Have you ever moved house? Did you like the new place better?
8. Did you have any problems moving house? What were they?