Оборот There is (ед.ч.) или There are (мн.ч.) используется, когда мы хотим сказать, какие предметы находятся в определенном месте, например:

There is a sofa in the room. - В комнате есть диван.
There are two armchairs near the sofa. - Около дивана находятся два кресла.

Обратите внимание на перевод предложений - они переводятся с конца.

Если называются несколько предметов, то выбор между There is и There are зависит от числа первого названного предмета (предметов):

There is a table, a sofa, and two armchairs in the room.
There are two armchairs, a table and a sofa in the room.

Когда мы при помощи оборота There is / There are описываем комнату, мы начинаем с неподвижных частей комнаты (стены, дверь, окно, камин), затем постепенно добавляем крупные предметы, а в конце - мелкие.

There is a fireplace in the room.

There is a bookcase near the fireplace.

There is a sofa on the left near the wall.

There is a table in front of the sofa.

There are two armchairs near the table.

There are three pictures on the wall.

Описывая цветную картинку, расскажите о цвете предметов, например:

This is a bedroom. The walls in the bedroom are yellow. The floor is yellow, too. There is one window in the room. There are blue curtains on the window.

There is a bed near the window. The bed is brown. The bedclothes are blue. There is a white pillow on the bed. There is a wardrobe on the right and a bedside table on the left. They are brown. There is a lamp and a clock on the table.

There is a carpet on the floor near the bed. It's pink. There are two shelves on the wall near the window. They are brown. There are some books and plants on the shelves.