A. Fill in the words.

gigantic, admire, banks, wealthy, ruled, fishing, pharaoh, hieroglyphics, transported, mud bricks, civilisation, empire, hunted

1. Ancient Egyptians lived along the _________ of the river Nile.
2. A king of ancient Egypt is called a ________.
3. Pharaohs ________ this great and powerful _______________.
4. The ancient Egyptians lived in houses made of ______ ______ .
5. They built their _____________ pyramids from stone.
6. They ____________ for animals and went ____________ on the river Nile.
7. They had boats and ____________ food and other goods along the river.
8. Only ____________ boys could attend school. They studied ________________.
9. Ancient Egypt had a great ___________ which many people __________ today.

B. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple.

Most Romans 1) _______ (live) in very small houses. The wealthy ones 2)_______ (own) villas. Family was very important in ancient Rome. A usual family 3)________ (consist) of a father, a mother, unmarried children and married sons with their families and slaves. Both boys and girls 4)________ (start) their education at the age of 7. They 5)________ (study) Maths, Grammar, History, and Literature. Students 6)________ (stop) at noon for lunch. After that, they 7)________ (return) to classes to finish their school day. Back home, kids 8) ________(play) with their pets and their toys. They 9)________ (not/play) video games, but they 10) ________(enjoy) playing board and ball games. Ancient Romans 11) ___________ (not/use) knives and forks to eat their food. They12)_________ (have) spoons and they 13)_________ (use) their fingers, too. All Romans 14)_________ (watch) performances at open-air theatres.